Milling Options

GibbsCAM’s full range of milling options provides you with the power and flexibility to program all your CNC mills with a single program and a single interface. GibbsCAM gives you the freedom to make your parts, your way.

2 and 2.5 Axis

GibbsCAM Production Milling delivers an easy-to-use CNC programming solution for shops that are cutting 2-axis features such as pockets, holes, and slots.

3 Axis

GibbsCAM 3-Axis milling creates smooth, accurate tool paths for cutting complex shapes using either surfaces, solid models, or any combination of both.


GibbsCAM Multi-Axis milling uses state of the art toolpath strategies to generate accurate, reliable G-code for 4 and 5-Axis CNC machining centers.

Complete CAM solutions for any CNC machine

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Production Milling

GibbsCAM Production Milling supports 2-axis through simple 3-axis wireframe machining with full functionality for contouring, pocketing with unlimited bosses/islands, thread milling, face milling, 2D/3D spiral creation, drilling with support for many drill cycles, tapping, and boring. It also supports simple 4th-axis positioning. You can clean material off the top of a part with automatic cycles for face milling like spiral, zig-zag, back and forth, and one direction. GibbsCAM Production Milling provides easy-to-use, powerful programming capabilities for your machine tools.

Production Milling PDF Image

Freeform Geometry Creation

Whether you start with imported geometry or need to create your own geometry, the GibbsCAM Production Milling freeform geometry capabilities provide a powerful means to create and edit geometry for machining. The GibbsCAM graphical user interface infers what operations you want to perform based on the selected elements, which dramatically streamlines interactions with the system. Auto-chaining eliminates the need to stop the workflow continually to trim and connect geometry.

Graphical Tool Definition

The GibbsCAM Production Milling graphical user interface displays key dimensions to create error-free tools easily. It supports a wide variety of predefined tool types and user-defined form tools.

Multi-Process Programming

Select geometry once and apply multiple machining operations like a series of rough, semi-rough, finish passes to it all at once. The resulting processes are associated with each other and the original geometry, so updates are accommodated easily.

Knowledge-Based Programming

You can save processes including Multi-Process Processes and associated tooling and re-use them between programs. You can develop a knowledge base library of process/tooling from your shop’s best machining practices to improve programming efficiency, program consistency, and part quality.

Full 2- and 2.5-Axis Programming

GibbsCAM Production Milling provides a full range of functionality to define processes for efficiently machining 2- and 2.5-axis parts from geometry.

Advanced Pocketing Routines

The GibbsCAM Production Milling advanced pocketing routines support machining open-sided pockets and pilot and/or auto pocket corner drill pockets with unlimited islands or bosses. You can specify whether to machine pockets breadth or depth first. It supports pocketing machining strategies including Auto Plunge, User Plunge, Ramp, Periphery Ramp, and Helix.

Boring/Drilling Sub-Routines

GibbsCAM Production Milling supports a wide range of boring (bore, fine bore, backbore) and drilling sub-routines to optimize efficient hole-making operations.